

Warm water, peaceful splashes, Your hands are sailing over the firm slippery soap. The soft lather surrounding your fingers. The faint crackle of the bursting bubbles on your skin and a sensual scent evaporating into your bathroom. The soap piece glides on its foam bed massaging the muscles. Excess skin and dirt are carefully peeled by gently loosening the grime that clogs your skin which now can breath again!
You can have such a sensual experience every day when taking care of what we live in for so long – Our Skin!
I am happy to help you in your daily care routine by providing you with a variety of my all natural handcrafted soaps.

All our Soaps are handcrafted based on German recipes.
Due to the needed aging process of up to 6 weeks it is not possible to provide soap to your special design on a short-term basis.
Please contact us if you have planned well ahead and need bigger quantities for a special event like a wedding or others.

Step into soap pleasure!